Opinions & Recommendations

1-We recommend the company to expand more in there fields where they open lines for transmission, shipping and travelling to several countries; to earn a good reputation among other airports.
 2- Because the company don’t use that much technologies and information system, we recommend to use more developed IST that will make their job performance get better and increase their (productivity & efficiency) of the work, like the use of wireless system for staff.
3- We believe that using RFID technology is a very good idea and that means that they are thinking about modernising the company using the best IS.
4-Also we recommend expanding the department of the MIS because we see that they don’t have the interest or the focus in this department.
5- Also they have to make the customer be aware of the airport through
advertisement and have great customer knowledge about accessing/ dealing with the various airport services via the airport website; also to increase the sales.
6- Turn the customer to be loyal by taking care of them through the programs that they offer.


  1. I like AlAin airport when they have Airline reviews and Festivals and i recommend to have more of this kind festivals to have agood name on market.

  2. I think they should consider getting separated from AD airport and start running their business as a whole independent company. it takes time, effort and money though, but its worth it to be interdependent

  3. I like the idea of expanding the MIS department since it runs the whole airport.
